Hiragana—"ka" column—words 2021.06.11 1. Listen to the audio and choose the right option. https://takusan-lang.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/あんこ.mp3〔The brown part〕This word means "Japanese Sweet Bean Paste"(noun) in English.餡子(kanji)あんいあんこおんくおんこおんい2. Listen to the audio and choose the right option. https://takusan-lang.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/えき.mp3This word means "station"(noun) in English.駅(kanji)うきえきえかえさえけ3. Listen to the audio and choose the right option. https://takusan-lang.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/いけ.mp3This word means "pond"(noun) in English.池(kanji)おけいほあほいけうけ4. Listen to the audio and choose the right option. https://takusan-lang.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/あか.mp3This word means "Red"(noun) in English.赤(kanji)あくおかあきぬかあか5. Listen to the audio and choose the right option. https://takusan-lang.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/くろ.mp3This word means "Black" in English.黒(kanji)へろくろしろかろきろ1 out of Time is Up!