Hiragana ー”pa” columnー

How to pronounce:”p”+ 5 vowels  ―ぱ、ぴ、ぷ、ぺ、ぽ―

This is a one-minute video to learn how to pronounce Hiragana.

【Pronunciation】Hiragana ー"pa" columnー ぱ、ぴ、ぷ、ぺ、ぽ

This is a one-minute video to learn the stroke order of hiragana

Let’s try the listening test !(”pa” column) Voice:©Ondoku

1. Listen to the audio and choose the right option.
2. Listen to the audio and choose the right option.
3. Listen to the audio and choose the right option.
4. Listen to the audio and choose the right option.
5. Listen to the audio and choose the right option.

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